Goal Digger Series - Adam Jelic
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Meet MiGoals Founder, Adam Jelic. Adam founded MiGoals in 2010 when he realised there was no structured journal or notebook in the market that allowed him to write, track and achieve his goals in a much better and aesthetically pleasing way than scribbling notes on scraps of paper and throwing them into the drawer. Motivated to find his own solution, he created a one-off goal-setting journal. And from this very first product, MiGoals was born and as they, the rest is history.
We chat to Adam about his biggest learning during COVID-19, tips for working from home, his MiGoals recommendation to stay on track and more below.
2020 has been challenging so far, how do you stay focused and what keeps you inspired?
I stay focused by constantly telling myself of the things that I can control in a situation like this. I write my to-do list each day and remind myself of the saying “control the controllables”. I also prioritise my goals so I can take action on the things that matter to me most. I do this so I can avoid being distracted and getting caught up in others’ lives and dreams.
What keeps me inspired is my vision and my family. The fact that I have achieved my dreams and built a legacy of inspiring others to fulfil their potential is something I’m very proud of. My family also inspires me - I want to instil in my girls that they too have the opportunity to dream big, make it a reality and also change the world for the better.
What’s your biggest learning so far while staying in isolation?
The biggest learning for me has been how quickly life can change for anyone. Personally, it’s been a time to pause and be grateful for the things I do have and also remind myself not to sweat the small things. It has also reaffirmed to me that what we’re doing here at MiGoals is really important. It needs to keep growing so that more people around the world can create a life that brings them joy and fulfilment.
What does your morning routine look like?
- Wake up before 7am
- Have a cup of coffee (simple pleasure)
- Small breakfast (usually cereal or oats)
- Shower and get changed
- Spend 10 minutes planning the day ahead in my progress journal and asking myself these key questions:
What’s my focus for the day?
What am I grateful for?
How do I want to feel?
What’s my key goal to work on today?
What are 3 habits for the day?
- Write my to-do list
- Start working on my to-do list from 8:30am
Give us three of your best work from home tips.
- Keep your workplace place neat and tidy so you feel more in control and less overwhelmed.
- Create a daily routine – having a routine is one of the key fundamentals to being more productive and feeling less stress. Work out what routine helps you do your best work, even if that means splitting up your day into numerous chunks as opposed to the standard 9-5 work hours.
- Mix it up from time-to-time – Changing your work environment at home, mixes it up and makes it more exciting.
Podcast or playlist - what are you currently listening to?
Definitely playlist! Anything 80’s 90’s rock, brings back some good memories of growing up.
What's your proudest achievement?
Having the courage to start MiGoals. Many of us have dreams and ideas but never have the courage to start. I am proud that I had the courage to start and have no regrets.
What's the best advice you've received and who was it from?
I didn’t receive this advice personally but I heard it from a speaker and it’s stuck with me ever since. “Love what you do, feel that it matters and make a living from it.” The holy grail of business in my eyes.
What's the first book you read that changed your worldview?
Heroes: A guide to realising your dreams by Jim Stynes, Paul Currie and Jon Carnegie based on Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey. This was the first book I read that really related to what I was feeling growing up. It covered the seven stages of the hero’s journey and helped me understand and believe that it was possible to do extraordinary things in my life.
How has your definition of success changed from the start of your career until now?
For a long time, my definition of success was based upon comparisons. Over time my definition of success has changed to being based around impact and fulfilment. Striving to grow in my personal and professional life is still important, but so is spending time with my family and doing things that bring me happiness.
What's your MiGoals pick to stay on track?
90-day Progress Journal – if you are slightly OCD like me and need to plan and set-up your day on a daily basis, this is the perfect product.
What are three things you’re grateful for today?
Working from home and having my kids around, working on a business that I am passionate about and living in Australia. I feel fortunate and grateful to call Australia home, especially during the COVID-19 crisis.
Follow Adam at @migoals and @adamjelic
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