The Benefits of Using a Diary in 2021

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Though there are so many digital workflows nowadays, none have stood the test of time as long as handwritten diaries, planners and journals. 

Perhaps it’s the validation we get of putting pen to paper. Or perhaps it’s the fact that no matter what day and age we live in, the act of writing - whether physical or digital - will never truly fade away. 

Whatever the reasoning is, one thing is clear: writing in diaries is here to stay.

For many of us, 2020 was a total write-off. With so many of our plans and goals delayed, it seems 2021 is going to be a jam-packed year of, well, getting shit done. 

You may not have needed a diary this year, but you’ll definitely need one for next year. If you’re still on the fence about it, here are some of the best benefits of using a 2021 diary. 

Make sense of all of your thoughts

If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that things can change very quickly and have a domino effect on everything else. A good example is the transition from workplace office to working from home due to COVID-19, all while balancing home-schooling and baby-sitting (and trying not to go insane in the process). But somewhere along this domino effect is also our change in moods, thoughts and habits, depending on our unique circumstances.

All of it can definitely be a headspin. Using a 2021 diary not only keeps you organised when the rest of the world is in chaos, but it gives you an outlet to make sense of all of your thoughts. Carving out a bit of time in your day to write down everything playing on your mind only benefits your mental health, relieving space in your brain so your environment feels more spacious and breathable. 

Disconnect from technology

We may not be able to fully disconnect from the digital world - especially in the era of COVID-19 where working from home and social distancing are new norms - but using a diary encourages us to step away from all the technological noise, even just for a few minutes every day. Taking some time out to plan ahead for appointments and activities, as well as reflect on your current goals, will do wonders for your physical, mental and emotional health.

Don’t get us wrong, technology certainly has its benefits too, but there’s something so refreshing about going back to basics with a pen and paper. Because we’re living in the age of technology, the key to maximising productivity, progress and joy is by finding a nice balance between the two. Whereas smartphones remind us to stay connected to the digital world, a physical diary reminds us to stay connected to the real world.

Dig yourself out of your creative rut

Being stuck in a rut is every creative’s worst nightmare, especially if creativity plays an important role in their career.

Instead of forcing yourself to be creative (which never works), use a diary to distract yourself and focus on something completely different. Creative blocks are bound to happen at some point, so it helps to distract yourself by doing something completely unrelated and random. Diaries are an excellent tool for doodling, drawing and having fun. It’s often during these times, where we aren’t forcing our brains to work and letting our creativity run free, that our best inspiration strikes. 

Stay prepared all the time

At the core of it all, the best benefit of diaries is that it helps you stay on track with your goals. Many diaries have sections where you can plan out your entire month, filling it with appointments, errands, deadlines, timelines, important notes and more.

Seeing everything at a glance helps you identify the little tasks you need to achieve prior in the lead up to your goal. When you’re prepared, nothing will surprise you. Sure, a few unexpected happenings may occur throughout your journey, but it’s easier to handle one unexpected hurdle rather than several unexpected hurdles which could have been easily avoided with thorough planning. 

Like the famous French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry would say,

“A goal without a plan is just a wish.”

What greatness will you achieve in 2021?

If you’re wanting to make the best out of next year, our collection of 2021 Diary are here to help. Helping you every step of the way, our diaries include sections for vision planning, quarterly reviews to track your progress and generous space to write your notes or creatively doodle. 

Buy your journal online at MiGoals today! And if you sign up to our newsletter, you’ll get 10% off your first order too! 

By Aleczander Gamboa



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