How to Reflect and Kickstart 2021

Posted by Adam Jelic on

Tips on starting the new year with intention, purpose and clarity.

To say that 2020 was eventful and unexpected is, quite frankly, the understatement of the year. Alas, it’s almost at a close and we’re all still standing! With less than 2 weeks until the year ends, now is the perfect time to reflect and kickstart 2021 on the right note.

However, it’s totally normal to feel confused about how to approach any of those things. After all, 2020 showed us that literally anything is possible. So in the spirit of Christmas, giving, and our general mantra of Getting Shit Done, we’ve collated some helpful tips on how you can reflect and step into 2021 with clarity.

Reflect on 2020 first, before starting 2021

Hindsight is a powerful tool. Before you think about your new goals and what you’d like to achieve in 2021, it’s beneficial to reflect on the year that was.  

By knowing what worked and didn’t work for you in 2020, not only are you better placed to set clear goals and intentions for the new year, but it’s also easier to set up comprehensive plans as you’re more aware of your own boundaries.

There are many ways you can approach this period of reflection. We personally recommend using a notes journal to record your thoughts, because sometimes going back to basics (pen and paper) is best. Some questions to ask and answer could be:

  • What good things happened in your life this year?
  • What didn’t go as planned, and how did you adapt to the situation?
  • What brought you joy on a daily basis, especially when times became tough?
  • What are you thankful for?
  • What would like to leave behind in 2020, and what would you like to take forward into the new year?
  • If nothing was off limits in 2021, what would you do?

Start with a BHAG for 2021, then break it down

BHAG stands for “Big Hairy Audacious Goals”. It’s those ambitious, hard-to-reach goals that may take months, even years, to accomplish. But that’s why they exist - challenging goals are what help us move forward in life. They are integral to our self development and growth. 

When you’re thinking about your BHAG, don’t be afraid to reach for the stars! Think big. Think limitlessly. Aim high. They are supposed to be a little bit crazy - in fact, that’s what makes them so fun. 

Once you’ve figured out what it is, the next step is to break it down into smaller goals. Each small goal should bring you one step closer to your BHAG, and they should be a lot more realistic and achievable. With every big goal you have, consider having 1-4 smaller goals that help meet it.

Then, break it down even further. But rather than create more goals, make a list of daily positive habits you can do everyday and easily stick to. These could be tasks like writing a to-do list when you wake up, practicing morning meditation, spending a few minutes every night tracking your progress for the day and more. When it comes to daily positive habits, the world is your oyster, provided they somehow relate back to achieving your BHAG and smaller goals. 

Tip 3: Start 2021 only when you’re ready

Now we don’t mean this in the literal sense, because 2021 will start whether you’re ready or not. What we mean by this is don’t feel pressured to start the new year with a bang if you’re feeling anything but ready. 

Resting is still an important action, and one should never underestimate its benefits. Sometimes, the best ideas, intentions and goals occur naturally during periods of rest and relaxation.

So with that said, rest as much as you need. Reflect when you feel like it. Give yourself a digital detox. Take time out to recuperate and recover from the crazy year that was 2020. You definitely deserve it. Start tackling the excitement of 2021 only when you’re truly ready. As the famous saying goes, Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Start 2021 on the right note, with the right stationery products

In a perfect world, we’d be able to get everything done ourselves, but that’s not the case. We all need some help every now and then. To keep yourself accountable and consistent with our goals, we recommend using a 2021 planner or 2021 diary. 

Use them to plan your schedule, organise your monthly commitments and track all of your progress from beginning to end. Seeing all of that important information on a daily basis not only keeps you accountable and consistent, but also shows you what areas you’re excelling in and what needs to be improved. 

Have a look at our full 2021 range of planners, diaries and notebooks here.

By Aleczander Gamboa


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